Swimming around the rips!

It’s a warm summer evening in Melbourne. We haven’t had too many of these in the last few years, so I’m grateful to be experiencing one today as I sit under my gumtree in this suburban house that I’ve come to call home. It’s a rare moment of stillness. I can hear crows in the background having some sort of a heated discussion, as other birds sing their night songs, with the occasional sound of thunder and a promise of rain. It’s an idyllic evening and everything is so perfect! I don’t often get to sit and hear these bird songs, as I roll through the seasons of life, and often find myself looking longingly at my gum tree and wish I had more time so I could just sit under it and appreciate the wind rustle through its leaves, so I am grateful today that I made time to be here in this moment.

As a child I always loved watching the shape shifting clouds as I sat under the mulberry tree in our frontyard, and those were some of the best moments of my life!
When life was simple and dreams were abound! When I hadn’t yet discovered tumultuous heartbreaks or how it feels to miss the unending kisses.

I miss that – the beauty of the untarnished innocence of a child that found immense pleasure in the taste of fresh mulberries and distaste in homework!

Today as a middle aged woman, I sit under my beloved tree, watching the resident ring-tailed possum stare right back at me from the top of the tree, I think I have done alright! I am learning to accept failures with grace, and the fleeting moments of love and laughter with gratitude.

Happiness flows in ebbs and flows, and I have learnt to swim around the rips and try another time!

Published by Runningmum

I am still trying to work out what I am about, this blog is my journey!

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