Swimming around the rips!

The writer reminisces about childhood joys under a mulberry tree and reflects on finding peace beneath a gum tree in adulthood. Amidst the sounds of nature, they express gratitude for fleeting moments of happiness and the wisdom gained from navigating life’s challenges. The piece evokes a sense of embracing life’s ebbs and flows.

Never have I ever…

I have lived over 4 decades, in more than 15 towns across 3 continents, but it’s been a relatively tame life, with the wildest thing I can think of ever having done being riding topless, shotgun with a friend on a highway for a dare, back when bras were optional at best! So, it wouldContinue reading “Never have I ever…”

Because he is Peter Pan

He will talk endlessly about his accomplishments, detail out everything and everyone that makes him a bit grumpy, and get all starry eyed telling me about how he rescued an animal or scored a goal!But he won’t respond to anything I say that might mean accepting that he feels anything at all! He didn’t evenContinue reading “Because he is Peter Pan”

1 step forward, 2 steps backwards

Conversing with Edward Frankle is like solving riddles, and that is probably what keeps me interested, because who doesn’t like solving puzzles! I woke up today very hungover from a big night of drunk dancing with some gorgeous, strong women at a beach house in Mornington Peninsula to a text from Edward. It was aContinue reading “1 step forward, 2 steps backwards”

I love an emotional challenge!

It only took Edward 2 and a bit year to ask me out for a coffee without using work as a crutch. A few weeks ago, he asked me to invite him for a cuppa, and when I did, he didn’t get back to me for a whole day! Who takes a day to sayContinue reading “I love an emotional challenge!”

His pain struck a chord

Most of the conversation during our coffees centred around him telling me how sorry he was that he was so scruffy, when I was so impeccably dressed, or about how hard his life was, as he was going through a divorce. As expected, I spilled my coffee on him a couple of times, bumped intoContinue reading “His pain struck a chord”

Edward the English Strategist who is obsessed with roosters.

I think it’s time I introduced Edward Frankle! 3 years ago, I was looking for someone to facilitate a workshop for my organisation, and a colleague suggested I try Edward Frankle for the job as he was well regarded in the business and at my workplace. Well I had worked there for 7 years andContinue reading “Edward the English Strategist who is obsessed with roosters.”

In and out of my own life

It is 2022, Covid has evolved, I think I have too! It’s a muggy summer day here in the leafy suburb of Mount Waverley, my fridge is empty, as the kids are at their dad’s this weekend! It’s a perfect Sunday and I am sitting at my local café, waiting for my breakfast to arrive.Continue reading “In and out of my own life”

Growing pains in my 40’s

I feel a lot happier today! After a really long time, it feels like a weight is lifted! All it took was a change in outlook. Getting back into running helped clear the fog and remind me that I am more than just a lonely woman! It made me remember all that I have, thatContinue reading “Growing pains in my 40’s”

Broke my own heart … again!

It is not easy to be open to life and protect oneself from heartaches, because I wouldn’t behuman if I could love without expectations and give without wanting! And that is how itcame to be, the end of my beginning with Edward Frankle !We met several times, for meals and coffees! I invited him overContinue reading “Broke my own heart … again!”