I love an emotional challenge!

It only took Edward 2 and a bit year to ask me out for a coffee without using work as a crutch. A few weeks ago, he asked me to invite him for a cuppa, and when I did, he didn’t get back to me for a whole day! Who takes a day to sayContinue reading “I love an emotional challenge!”

Growing pains in my 40’s

I feel a lot happier today! After a really long time, it feels like a weight is lifted! All it took was a change in outlook. Getting back into running helped clear the fog and remind me that I am more than just a lonely woman! It made me remember all that I have, thatContinue reading “Growing pains in my 40’s”

My Year of Firsts!

Woke up to the realisation that today marks one year of being single for me! Life has been absolutely unpredictable, and I have kept my seatbelt on for the ride! Here are some of my firsts: Learned to live alone 🤟🏽 Wept so much my soul ached and my bones hurt 🎭 Improved my runningContinue reading “My Year of Firsts!”

7.6b people on planet earth and I could not have one of them just hold me

I had been lonesome for years, but all the noise and chaos of having to work through a breaking marriage never afforded me the time to feel the loneliness. Now here I was, being my own person, I could be who I wanted to be, do what I wanted to do, and yet all IContinue reading “7.6b people on planet earth and I could not have one of them just hold me”

2020, the year we lost time, I found myself

Running is great! I shed 15 kilos and a husband! I walked/ran 3.3 million steps last year. First, I ran to get away from my pain, then I ran to feel the pain, then I ran to get a hit of that endorphin release! Running is like a state of trance, one can move withContinue reading “2020, the year we lost time, I found myself”